The oldest surviving video of an American football game, Yale vs. Princeton in 1903 (via Kottke)
Do schools kill creativity?
Sir Ken Robinson: “Do schools kill creativity?” Still the best TED talk ever.
Video of the day
“I’ve been stumped here for a while”
Paul Simon performs a partially written “Still Crazy After All These Years” in September 1974: “I’ve been stumped here for a while.” I know the feeling.
Sam and Dave: You Don’t Know Like I Know (1967)
Teddy Thompson: In My Arms
Ali for Apple
Think Different 15-second TV ad, 1997
Steve Jobs introduces the “Think Different” campaign
Steve Jobs introduces the “Think Different” campaign in 1997. To put this video in perspective, remember where Apple was in 1997. In terms of market share, the company had only about 3% of the personal computer market, bottoming out at 2.8% in July 1997. Its stock traded at around $4 or $5 a share, also bottoming in July 1997 when it sank below $3.50 a share. In its previous fiscal year the company had lost $1 billion.